Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fanfictions Wiki

Isla de Corales: Revisited is an LLB written by u/ShittyJeansArse. It is the first entry in the Carltonverse series of LLBs.


Chapter 1[]

The LLB begins when Greg and his family arrive at a resort known as Isla de Corales. Greg said that it's beautiful and hopes nothing bad happens there. He also found a robe in the closet. He then reveals that his family had inherited money from Walt Disney, and that they were going to buy the resort to not only live there forever, but also to unify the Wild and Mild Sides.

Greg talks about how they got this idea because of ITV unifying its franchises into one singular brand. He also comments that Thames "fucking sucks", and that Carlton is better since their 1996-1999 bumpers were far more creative than literally everything Thames shits out.

The family goes to the beach, and see Rodrick having a power trip by making kids pick up garbage. He's happy to see those kids slave away, but points out that cleaning is boring, stupid, and even pointless. Then they head to the headquarters, and get cards. The lady at the desk tells the family that she heard of the deal and will notify the rest of the resort.

Back in their hotel room, Frank wanted the family to take the acquisition seriously since he wanted to capture lightning in a bottle, and make it like the time when Carlton had acquired Central Independent Television. And also made their 1998-1999 bumpers look like Carlton's 1996-1999 bumpers by Lambie-Nairn. Greg comments that he's glad Margaret Thatcher deregulated British television.

Greg and Rodrick visit the ITV Cabana, and meet Billy Staples. Billy said that this is a bad idea since Granada would die out. But Greg thinks this is a good idea since Granada created Go, Baby!, which he dubs as "the fucking demonic satanic hellspawn".

The scene shifts to the Heffleys playing volleyball and having fun. Afterwards, Greg goes to Rodrick's shack as he had a question on when the meeting was. The meeting was scheduled for next week so this gives a lot of time for the Heffleys to prepare.

Returning to the hotel room, they got a letter from Carlton, and that they have received $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one octillion) to help buy the place. The family's happy since they can do corporate acquisitions every day.

Greg eagerly awaits for the meeting, but then gets to the Teen Zone. He sees that everyone there is watching BBC channels, in spite of the fact they covered up Jimmy Savile's crimes. Rodrick was also strangling someone there for doing so. The two then return home and warn the family about BBC's Tweenies having Jimmy Savile in it. Then they plan out what they plan to do when they buy the place out. Frank decides to watch the 1996-1999 Carlton bumpers by Lambie-Nairn, so he could prove Bob the Fish wrong, as his "ITV in the Face" series on YouTube is an anti-Carlton opinion propaganda piece.

The next week, the Heffleys dress fancy, go back to the headquarters, and buy the resort out. Then Greg goes to tear the wall between the Wild and Mild sides, thus finally unifying the resort. Greg also changes the activity names to Carlton-themed ones, and the resort is renamed to Isla de Carlton. The family's finally happy in their meeting since they can never worry about school or work ever again. They can now have pure fun without a single care in the world.

Chapter 2[]

Five years have passed, and the resort had gone to fucking shit. At the cabana with Susan, Greg was horrified when Frank told them that the BBC police were coming to try and arrest the family for worshipping Carlton. So Greg had to act fast, and he also points out that the pools are filled with maggots. Frank also gets so stressed out that he has a realistic panic attack like in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, and ends up having an explosive diarrhea attack. Then at the room, Susan tells Greg and Rodrick that they can defend themselves by wishing upon the 1996-1999 Carlton bumpers by Lambie-Nairn.

At the Swim Up Bar, the people there were watching BBC One. Manny saves the day by changing the channel to Carlton. Then the BBC Police show up, and the Heffleys get on a golf cart. They then use the powers of the 1996-1999 Carlton and the 1998-1999 Central bumpers by Lambie-Nairn to slow him down.

After all this, Greg decides to take a shower, which ends up pouring acid on him. He mentions that it feels spicy but nice. On his way back to the room, he runs into Jimmy Savile, and bolts out of the area. He warns Rowley on his presence and they go and kill him by pelting him with a lot of tennis balls. So Greg also recommends that the readers go to defundbbc.co.uk to help the cause. As such Greg then hopes that the pedophile rapist rots in Hell for all eternity.

The Heffleys book a flight to the UK to storm the BBC headquarters. In the nick of time Greg gets to the news set and reveals all the wrongdoings the BBC has done over the years. The BBC gets defunded and shuts down forever. They return to the resort, and a massive rainbow rave restored it back to the way it used to be, without any British TV references or maggots in pools, and they finally relax, ending the LLB.


  • The LLB was solely produced by u/ShittyJeansArse for Chapter 1. Starting with Chapter 2, Robowil would step in to help out on editing, and this would remain for all future LLBs.
  • This is the only Carltonverse LLB where the cover was designed by someone else. In this case, it was designed by u/QuackLegendsOfficial.
  • This and Carlton Origins are the only Carltonverse LLBs to lack the "Child-friendly ending assures everyone is rescued and lives happily ever after!" sticker.
    • In addition, this is the only Carltonverse LLB to lack the "Laughter Guaranteed!" sticker.