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Irreversible Damage is an LLB made by u/IcyOpportunity9 which is about Greg turning into a girl and living his life as one.

Main Characters[]

  • Greg
  • Rowley
  • Manny Heffley


Greg Heffley

The story begins with Greg reminiscing on a bunch of junk from ads he bought in the past, then one day, he saw an ad that was advertising three mystery potions for $4.99. Greg knew the ad was sketchy, but he couldn't resist the low price. When the potions arrived in the mail, they were all unlabeled, so he tested one of the potions on Fregley. The potion was revealed to be a fart amplifier, as Fregley farted a lot louder than usual. Greg gave Fregley another potion. He consumed the whole vial and turned him invisible. Greg didn't give Fregley the third vial as he could no longer see him, and went home.

Greg called Rowley and Rowley wasn't too enthused about the unlabeled potions, due to its illegality and the dangers it could cause. Greg was curious about what the third potion was and brought it to school the next day. Rowley didn't want Greg to use it on anyone, especially on Abigail Brown. Greg tried to reason with Rowley about how much she deserved it, but didn't change his mind, so Greg slipped Abigail a Mickey by using the potion during lunch. Greg didn't notice any immediate effects (unlike Fregley), but he heard a commotion from the girl's bathroom. Abigail was turned into a guy!

Greg used up half the vial on Abigail and he wanted more of the same potion, so he went to Alex Aruda to reverse-engineer the potion. Unfortunately, Alex had better things to involving intelligence, so Greg asked Chirag Gupta instead. Chirag succeeded in recreating the potion, but he drank some of it to see if it worked, turning himself into a girl in the process. Greg gave Chirag a haircut and told Chirag to sit when using the bathroom. Chirag had a doctor's appointment and didn't want the parents to find out about what happened, so Greg told Chirag to drink the potion while standing on your head. Greg didn't pay enough attention in chemistry and doesn't know how to brew any antidotes, so he took a bunch of vials full of the potion and went home.

The next day, Rowley was spreading the news about what Greg did to Abigail, so Greg gave Rowley a juice box as a peace offering. What Rowley doesn't know was that the juice was tainted with the fart amplifying potion and let out a loud ripper in the middle of class. The guys in the class laughed, while the girls were disgusted. Throughout the day, Greg used the gender-swapping potion on other people. He used a potion on Patty Farrell because she doesn't like guys and he knew she wouldn't take becoming one very well. Since he used the gender-swapping potions on only girls at this point, Greg used one on Tyson Sanders. It didn't work out as Greg would've hoped, but Tyson was happy with the results. Tyson went to show off with the other guys, but Greg declined due to a lack of interest. Chirag confronted Greg and told him his idea didn't work. Greg gave Chirag the phone number to the potion company to see if they had any antidotes available.

It didn't take long for Abigail's parents to find out about her sex change, and Officer Brown talked to Vice Principal Roy about suing the school because of it. Greg didn't use any potions because he didn't want to get suspected, in case Officer Brown had ordered an investigation about Abigail's sex change. Greg didn't see Chirag at school, so he went over to the Gupta residence to see if the antidote worked. It didn't go as planned because Chirag mistook a set of mystery potions for antidotes and became a literal Invisible Chirag. Greg believes the invisibility potion would wear off in water, so he told Chirag to take a shower. As Chirag was showering, Greg noticed a couple potions on the bathroom floor. One test tube was broken, so Greg took the other. Unfortunately, the water idea failed and Greg told his friend he'll find another way to become visible again, but doesn't know what to do. That night, Manny stuffed sliced meat into Greg's video game console, so he decided to get revenge on him with the potion he stole from Chirag.

During breakfast, Greg used the potion in Manny's bowl of cereal before Susan could wake up. The potion made Manny dance by swinging his arms from side-to-side by doing a sneeze gesture (in other words, dabbing). Manny was still doing it by the time Greg left for school. Greg thinks he'll be stuck doing it until he dies from exhaustion. Greg took the dance potion to school with him because there're plenty of people there who deserve to be stuck dabbing like Manny. He gave a can of potion-laced soda to Ruby Bird, and it worked like a charm, getting bit a couple times in the process. Greg also used some of the potion during lunch, and some of the guys at his table started dancing. He couldn't get them all because he was running out of potion, and Rowley joined in on the dance because he thought it looked like fun. Greg avoided Rowley for the rest of the day and hopes none of the stuff he did would come back to haunt him later on.

Greg completely about Fregley being invisible until he walked home from school. Greg panicked and ran all the way home. Greg grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. Greg took a swig of the soda and noticed a note he wrote attached to it. Greg realized he stored the extra gender-swapping potion Chirag made and when Greg made it to the bathroom, it was too late. Greg doesn't know how the parent would react, and stated the Chirag got away with brewing the potion because Mr. and Mrs. Gupta were on a romantic getaway for a week and they weren't back yet. Greg is less recognizable and started doubting about the effect of the potion drinker's gender.

Greg wore the Stealthinator headband to conceal all the hair, but Susan found it impolite and asked Greg to take it off. Greg tried to lie about it, but Rodrick claimed he heard the kid "screaming like a girl". Frank told Greg to "man up", but Greg actually was trying to do so, because of how much change the potion caused. Greg hoped the family would get distracted by Manny's dancing, but dismissed it as imitating something on TV. Greg is still unsure what to tell Frank and Susan about the gender change, and Greg decided to change his name to "Greta", after a character he seen in a comic from the past.

The next day, Greta wore some clothes from Susan's closet because all of her old clothes no longer fit her. She realized that Abigail is a guy because of her and decided to steal Abigail's clothes with a plan that involves lemonade. Greta went over to Rowley's house to see if he was finished doing the dab, but was more excited he found someone he could watch a cartoon about colorful unicorns with. Greta wasn't interested in Rowley's cartoon, but he did offer to carry her bags, like a "perfect gentleman". Greta starts pondering about the advantages and the disadvantages of wearing a skirt and is glad to sit at the girls table at lunch. At least Greta no longer deals with the commotion going on over at the boys table, with people paying Tyson to sleep with her, showing how desperate boys her age can be, like a bunch of wild animals. And since Greta's a girl, she's unsure if she wants to date a guy. Greta ruled out Rowley because he sees them as mother figures rather than love interests.

Later, Greta invited Rowley to come with her to the Brown's house to give them some drinks. Surprisingly, Officer Brown let Greta and Rowley inside. Officer Brown said his daughter has been torn up since becoming a boy and barely eaten anything since then. Greta asked to go upstairs to see Abigail and she couldn't understand why Abigail would be upset about being a guy. Abigail complained that Michael Sampson ditched him because he didn't want people to think he's gay, but Greta offered Abigail some lemonade to silence he blubbering. as it turns out, the lemonade was laced with the dance potion, and Greta used it as a distraction to loot Abigail's clothes, toiletries, and other things she liked. Officer Brown also drunk the lemonade and Rowley found him dancing by the time Greta came downstairs. Rowley was concerned about what's happening, but Greta told him it'll eventually wear off.

On the way back, Rowley dug into one of the bags and ate a whole tube of cherry lip gloss and got sick from eating it. Rowley told her this happened twice before and she thinks his mom needs to stop buying it. After bringing Rowley back to his house, Greta went back home. Manny was still dancing around, but Susan had taken notice of "The New Greg". Greta told Susan the truth and she said that they will always love her, regardless of what gender he/she identifies. Greta was glad she has understanding parents, because the Jefferson's would've made him take the antidote, if one exists.

The next morning, Chirag's parents arrived from their romantic getaway. Mr. Gupta was looking for his missing son and only found a note incriminating Greg, but Mr. Gupta assumed Greta was "Greg's Mom", and told him to go look for Greg in the park. Mr. Gupta took the bait and yelled at any kid in the park that vaguely looked like Greg, leading him to argue with another child's mother. After Greta got bored of watching Mr. Gupta's argument, she went over to Rowley's house to play video games.

Unfortunately, Rowley put two-and-two together about Greta and the potion-spiked lemonade at the Brown's last night. He was going to tell on Greta, but she slapped him, causing a fight to ensue. Eventually, Greta got the upper hand and made sure Rowley didn't "rate her out" by forcibly shoving a vial of gender-swapping potion down his throat. Rowley freaked out when he saw his reflection in the mirror and saw he was now a girl. Rowley started crying her eyes out and Greta snuck out of the Jefferson's house and went home. When she got there, Greta turned on the TV and saw that the effects of the dancing potion made the local news and killed 5 people at school. Despite this, the school didn't cancel any days. Greta went upstairs and found Manny's body lying on his bed, dead from exhaustion from the dancing potion. Susan eventually found out and was deeply upset and planned his funeral as quickly as possible.

The next day arrived and Greta, Susan, Frank, and Rodrick attended Manny's funeral. Greta struggled to walk in her mother's high heels because she didn't steal any dress shoes from Abigail. Since the funeral was so hastily planned, Susan didn't know where Manny was buried, so they spent a long time finding his grave. The funeral was uneventful, and only the four of them showed up. Frank gave a 30 second speech about Manny dying too young, followed by Susan grieving over all sorts of memories with Manny for half an hour. Susan didn't allow Greta and Rodrick from saying anything during them funeral and when they got home, Susan grounded Greta for a week for throwing away a tinfoil ball Manny made for her as "compensation" for destroying her console (again), Rodrick got grounded for a fortnight for suggesting "Rest in Hell, Satan!" for the epitaph of Manny's tombstone, and Susan lashed out at Frank for throwing away Tingy years ago. An argument ensued between the parents, and it ended with Susan going over to Gramma's house, because she'd rather spend time with someone who actually cared about Manny. Frank rescinded all the punishments Susan put on Greta and Rodrick, believing she will cool down eventually. Since Susan is out of the house, Greta got cooking duty, and she'd rather have her come back as soon as possible.

That night, Greta came up with an idea to seduce Bryce Anderson. She came up with the idea because the boys her age are easy to seduce because they're desperate for girlfriends. The next morning, Greta wore a nice outfit and applied some of her mother's perfume and went to school. Most of the guys were giving her stare that Greta used to give Holly Hills. Greta's plan failed because Bryce was more interested in talking to the female Rowley over their favorite Joshie song. Greta realized that she didn't pay attention to what Bryce's interests were, like many other girls in school who have an infatuation with him. Greta told some of the girls at her lunch table about Bryce's interest in Joshie, but they didn't take her seriously. Later, Baylee Anthony confessed her feelings to Bryce, but he rejected her because he was interested in another girl. Greta knew he was talking about the female Rowley and confronted her about it. It is revealed that Rowley now goes by "Rowlette" and Bryce is into fat girls. Greta told Baylee what she just learned about Bryce, and Rowlette severed ties with Greta.

Greta admitted she was handling herself being a girl and thanks to observing their behavior and reading the Slumber Party Pals series. Abigail had a nearly complete collection of the book series and Greta took them with her. One of the books (Book 7) featured a love triangle, which reminded her that she's in a similar situation. In the book, Katie and Lindsey were crushing on Justin, who Katie. Lindsey tries to break them up several times throughout the story, which eventually reaches its climax when Lindsey confronts Katie. In the end, they realized the true value of friendship and all's well that ends well - Until the cliffhanger at the end of Book 9. Greta states her friendship with Rowlette is more stable than Katie and Lindsey's because argue over petty reasons while hers is of more serious matters.

Greta admits she only wanted to date Bryce to become popular (not out of love), but Rowlette had to butt in and ruin everything. At least Greta could used that piece of interest against Bryce and make his reputation take a nosedive. Frank called Greta downstairs and told her to make dinner because it was a "woman's role". Due to Greta's lack of cooking skills, she cooked up some instant Mac n' Cheese because it looked easy to make, but it wasn't very good. At least Greta would rather make it again if it means not doing soccer practice or swim team.

The next day, word of Bryce's interest in fat girls spread around the school and his popularity plummeted. Greta decided to find a guy that would help her get more popular, but didn't have many options. Michael Sampson is dating Cherie Bellanger as if Abigail never existed. She ruled out Cody Johnson, Darren Walsh, and Jamar Law because they they made names for themselves for the wrong reasons, Alex Aruda and his friends for being more interested in statistics and might think love is a mental illness, and the guys at lunch are obsessed over Tyson. Patty Farrell was ruled out given their history, and Patty was more interested in protesting the school food than relationships, anyways. Greta tried to beg Rowlette for a turn, but she dismissed it as an act of jealousy, and blackmailed Greta by telling her to leave her and Bryce alone, otherwise she'll tell him about what she did to Abigail. On the way home, Greta figured the best way to prevent her ex-friend from revealing her secret was to buy more potions and use it on her when the opportunity arises.

The following afternoon, Greta eavesdropped on a conversation between Rowlette and Bryce about their plans to go to an upcoming Joshie concert. This gave Greta an idea for a way to get rid of Rowlette. The potions she ordered didn't arrive yet, so she went with a Plan B: reuse the spiked lemonade from the incident at the Brown's. Fortunately, Greta knew just the person to help her: Chirag. Chirag gave up on finding an antidote and admitted to actually enjoying being invisible because of the advantage of doing whatever they want without getting caught. Greta bribed her friend into sneaking the tainted lemonade inside the Jefferson's abode in exchange for a few copies of Playboy magazines from Rodrick and Abigail's bed sheets.

On the way home, Uncle Gary was hitting on Greta, but finds his behavior around girls so bad, he should be on an FBI watch list. After Greta called out her uncle, Gary admitted he got a job as an "entertainer" at adult parties, but the company was looking for women. The reason Gary got the job was because he submitted his resumé with the alias "Melody Angelstar" and attached a photo of himself dressed in drag. Upon hearing that story, Greta brought Gary inside and used the gender-swapping potion on him. The potion worked like expected, but the way Gary's new look made Greta wonder how successful her new aunt would he at her new job.

Greg went over to Chirag's to see if the if the plan worked or not. Chirag said the mission was a success, but didn't go according to plan. Rowlette's father Robert arrived early and drank the tainted lemonade instead, much to Rowlette's horror. Greta hopes it'll send a message to her ex-friend for the dangers of betrayal, The next day, in the girl's bathroom Rowlette confronted Greta over what happened to her father. Greta tried to reason with Rowlette that she wasn't there when the incident occurred, but Rowlette didn't care and kept insisting it was it was Greta's fault because of her actions since the story began. They both yelled at each other until their voices were hoarse, and Rowlette decided to bring Greta over so they could fight. Greta won their last fight, and didn't think too much about it, especially given Rowlette's been a yellow belt for the last 5 years.

Rowlette was pretty serious about fighting Greta because she was waiting for her to arrive at her house, wearing a karate gi. Greta simply pushed over Rowlette before she had the chance to get ready, She pulled out the potions she got in the mail to finish her off, but Rowlette was strong enough to knock all the test tubes out of Greta's clutches, destroying all the potions. Greta decided to apologize for what happened to her dad, Rowlette started to cry her eyes out, which gave Greta ample amount of time to loot her belongings and leave. She took her money, her diary, several of her video games, and not a single care about why her biggest foe is so upset about losing her dad.

When Greta arrived home, she played Rowlette's copy of Brutal Souls 7, despite it being pretty out-of-character for her parents to approve such a violent video game, yet alone, own one. She claimed it because Susan wouldn't let her buy it. Frank arrived home before Greta could finish Level 1 and told her and Rodrick to go buy some groceries because they were running out of food in the fridge. While they were shopping, they saw Susan talking to Aunt Audra about resurrecting Manny via witchcraft or necromancy. At this point it became clear that Manny was Susan's favorite child out of three, especially when she hasn't spent any time with Rodrick and Greta ever since Manny's death.

They eventually went home and Greta cooked dinner again. Afterwards, Greta opened Rowlette's diary to see if she made any incriminating entries about her, and sure enough, she found a page about Greta turning Rowley into a girl. There were plenty more pages of Greta's misconduct, so she took Rowlette's diary and put the pages in the shredder. She got rid the parts of the diary that had nothing to do with her buried in the bottom of a recycling bin. Greta decided to unwind by playing Brutal Souls 7 for the rest of the night.

The next day, Rowlette's inability to see evil in everyone came in handy because she still believes Greta is jealous of her dating Bryce and didn't think Greta stole her diary. Greta stopped caring about Bryce when he lost his popularity because he likes fat girls, so she went to find another guy to date. That's when she saw a note posted on her locker. The note was from Christopher Brownfield, who was looking for pretty girls to date on Saturday. Greta accepted the date, but later found out at the lunch, that the other girls he tried to hit on didn't really agree with the idea for various reasons. She thought that was gonna be the biggest surprise she'd get that day, only to find out who was waiting for her at home: Linda Jefferson.

Linda was at the Heffley house and offered to cook, so Greta would carry that burden. Greta would've offered to cook instead when it turned out she made watercress salad. Greta admits it was a little better than Grandpa's, but still hated it. As soon as she finished, Rodrick dumped more of it on her plate, but was lucky she only needed to eat one serving before she could try Linda's brownies. Greta was excited about this at first, but then she remembered that she puts spinach in her brownies, and only realized that fact as soon as she took a bite.

After dinner, Frank and Linda were making out on the couch, making it hard for Greta to concentrate on fighting the third boss of her video game. As soon as they were done kissing, Greta asked Linda about Rowlette, to which she said she went to Bryce's because Rowlette wants nothing to do with her. Linda explained that two girls fighting over a boy was normal behavior for girls her age. She even mentioned she and Susan used to fight over a boy when they were in middle school. Given the circumstances, Greta thinks the boy in question might be her father. Frank wanted Linda to bathe him, but Greta and Rodrick turned it down for obvious reasons. After Greta was finished, Frank and Linda gone into the bathroom and spent plenty of time in there, which led to Greta questioning if the relationship between her parents are deteriorating., which could explain why her mother was interested in Rom-Coms, much to her father's apathy. Greta even watches one of those films, just to get the gist of how girls act on dates, but only to find the plot of the film pretty basic and started to remind her of Bryce and Rowlette's relationship a few minutes in. After turning off the movie, Greta decided to simply wing it at the date.

Saturday had arrived and Greta met up with Christopher at the park. They went to the arcade because Christopher heard Greta liked video games. Christopher tried to impress Greta by playing Thunder Volt, but wasn't very good at it. Greta played the game and got an impressive score. Christopher suggested she should go pro at video games because he heard they could make big money from that job. Greta and Christopher went to Papa Tony's to get pizza. They ended up with personal pizzas because the toppings Christopher wanted didn't sit well with Greta. After the meal, Greta thought the date would end, but Christopher wanted to take her to the mall, so they can watch a movie together. She accepted, only to find out the film he wanted to watch, "Uranus is Burning" is anachronistically X-rated. After Lenwood Heath refused to let them in, Greta really wanted to go home, but Christopher said that since they were at the mall, he insisted to walk around the place, only to be dragged in a Victoria's Secret, so he can buy her some underwear as a "present". by this point, Greta was starting to get fed up with Christopher and refused to put on the lingerie. After they left, they returned to the park. Christopher told Greta that he had fun, but ruined it by mentioning that he knocked up Tyson. Enraged, Greta kicked Christopher in the groin and went home.

When she got home, she saw her mother had returned, and Manny resurrected. Greta thought Aunt Audra's necromancy ritual was a farce, but lo and behold, it worked. Susan said that Manny loved his family so much that he came back to life, but Greta didn't believe her. Manny started calling Greta "Bubby", despite being a girl, and was pretty sure Greta was a boy at the time she gave him the dancing potion. She tried to get Susan to call her "Sissy" instead, but Manny kept using "Bubby". She complained to Susan again, but stated that he's only 3 and had plenty of time to adapt. She tried to tell her he's doing it on purpose, just to anger her, but she didn't care, even after showing her the drawing an "apology". Manny's inability to understand remorse never ceases to amaze her. Frank got into an argument with Susan after she refused to reveal how Manny was resurrected. In the end, Susan made Frank sleep on the couch for questioning if Manny really was his biological son.

The next day, Frank's question sounded a little far-fetched, but Greta now sees he has a point. Frank tried to Manny to stop calling Greta "Bubby", which led to Manny doing the "I'm onwee thwee" meme, pose and everything. It seems that Frank's afraid to yell at Manny because of how much of a tattletale he is. Greta also realized how little her father interacted with Manny. Frank has been getting Rodrick and Greta to do outdoorsy things, but never got to see Manny do the same, due to being enlisted in a plethora of extracurricular activities. Greta doubts they're working, because of how much he struggles in preschool. Greta even pointed out that Manny didn't look much like her, Rodrick, Frank, and anyone in the Heffley family. She even went through all those old photo albums and couldn't find a single relative that even remotely looks like Manny, hence why she draws him so differently from the rest of the family. She doubts Manny was adopted because she remembers her mother's pregnancy, and it was impossible to fake. As for her mother's side of the family, only Uncle Larry closely resembled Manny, and isn't even related.

Frank's punishment didn't faze Manny, and kept calling Greta for the rest of the morning. Greta was livid by the time Manny asked her to make him cereal, so she deliberately made the cereal the wrong way as a means to get him to stop calling her "Bubby", but Manny had to cry about it. Susan gave her a week-long video game ban, which led to a huge argument between the ladies of the house. In the end, Susan decided she couldn't trust Greta around Manny and took him shopping with her. Susan letting Manny get away with crime that actually call for some level of discipline speaks volumes of how obsessed she is with her youngest son.

After Susan and Manny left, Greta played video games anyway. As she was in the middle of playing Twisted Fighters, she remembered her awful date with Christopher. Kicking Christopher in the nuts might've felt cathartic, but this time, she wanted him to drink the gender-bender potion. When Greta got to the fridge, all the cans were gone. She quickly deduced that Rodrick was the one who took them because he's the kind of person who would ignore warning labels. Rodrick at first denied it, but later admitted that he did because it worked as a prank device. He showed the cans to Ward, and used them to prank unsuspecting victims in The Home Depot parking lot. Rodrick said he still has two cans left and would give it to her if she handed out Löded Diper flyers at Crossland High School, dressed up like a Playboy Bunny. Greta refused, and and left the room, vowing to steal the cans back when he's not looking.

Greta continued to play Twisted Fighters until Löded Diper showed up for band practice. Greta left, so she could apologize to Rowlette. That didn't happen because Rowlette already invited Bryce over, giggling and talking about Joshie. Greta felt nauseous and returned home. Frank brought Greta to the mall to shop for clothes. After that, they returned home and Löded Diper's practice ended. Susan didn't come back until around dinnertime, and it turned out she wasn't actually shopping, but re-enrolling Manny in all his extracurricular activities, since he was taken off their lists after he died. Frank was furious and an argument ensured. He pointed out that Manny was failing preschool and she should've spent money on a tutor instead, but Susan insisted the classes would help Manny. Frank would then point out that it didn't help Rodrick and Greta and should've spent the extra money on Civil War memorabilia instead, which led to Susan stating Manny is different than his siblings. Susan was right about that last part, but not in the way she intended. She eventually got up to go get Manny and a duffel bag, and went to the minivan. To Greta's surprise, the van was running and Uncle Larry was already inside. Greta then put two-and-two together about Larry's resemblance to Manny. Frank yelled at Larry, but he and Susan ignored his ranting and sped off into the night. After that, Frank went down to the furnace room and stayed there for the rest of the night, even when Greta tried to bribe him with a bowl of soup.

The next morning, Greta left for school early because she wanted to see what kind of plan Chirag came up with. Greta still wanted to use the gender-bender potion on Christopher. but since Chirag loved the dance potion so much, another batch was created. Greta let Chirag do whatever they'd like with the plan and left the Gupta house because she was running late for gym class. She's actually glad she gets to go to gym class because she no longer has to do contact sports, such as wrestling. It turns out Greta gave Chirag a little too much freewill, because a bunch of cans of Rowdy Riot rolled over to the boys side of the gym and chaos ensued. Mr. Underwood didn't hear the pandemonium because he was making the girls do warm-up drills and it was drowned out by the upbeat music playing in the background. When the fighting stopped, Mr. Underwood split the girls into pairs. Greta checked up on the boys and all of them were dabbing to no end. Greta realized she didn't have gym class with Christopher, so Chirag tried again. It worked this time, but Chirag went overboard again. School was cancelled for the rest of the day and Greta planned on finishing Brutal Souls 7, but ran into the last person she wants to deal with.

On the way home, Rowlette called Greta by her old name, blamed her for what happened at school, and told her to come over to her house or she'll everyone about all she's done. Linda wasn't there, so the argument escalated without any third-party interventions. Rowlette realized the reality of being a girl isn't all that cracked up to be, and demanded Greta to give her the antidote to the gender-bender potion. Greta, on the other hand, was fine with being a girl at this point and told Rowlette she has no control over her since they weren't friends. Rowlette didn't change her mind and was still threatening Greta about finding an antidote when Greta found a potion vial that's still intact after their last fight. She took advantage of Rowlette's rambling when she shoved the potion down her throat. The potion made Rowlette lose her limbs and all Greta had to do was smother her with a pillow, put her body in a garbage bag, and bury her in the Jefferson's backyard. She put Rowlette's limbs in another garbage bag and tossed it into their neighbor's green bin. She then took the rest of Rowlette's money and left wrote a note in Rowlette's handwriting, stating she ran away because she was unsure of her sexuality. After all that, Greta went home.

When she got home, she noticed Rodrick was also sent home early and playfully punched her. She said he can't beat up girls, only for Rodrick to tell her that he used the gender-bender potion on at least a dozen people, including Heather Hills and several other girls who rejected him. Frank and Linda were upstairs, doing you know what. Greta played video games until someone knocked on the door, and to Greta's horror, it was Susan and Manny. Greta asked what was the deal with the incident with Uncle Larry, only for Susan to claim she's related to him and needed to go over there to "cool off". Greta didn't believe her and called her father to come down to confront Susan, only for him to send Linda instead, adding fuel to the fire. Manny called Linda a "Ploopy", which only highlight how much Susan and Manny think of her. It turns out the guy that Susan and Linda fought over when they were still in school actually was Frank after all. Susan was upset that Linda had taken her place as the mother in the house once one things broke bad with their relationship, only for Linda to tell Susan that she loved Manny more than Frank and abandoned, so she could cheat on him with a bad comedian. Eventually, Frank came downstairs, called Manny a "bucktoothed brat" and wanted him out of their house for good, and says he's fully aware of her affair with Larry. This made Susan and Manny leave the house and Susan made out with Larry in the driveway in a vain attempt to make Frank jealous. After 10 minutes, Frank threatened to call the cops on them, and they took off. Linda offered to make grilled cheese, and Greta accepted because she needed a palate cleanser from what had just happened.

The next day, Frank and Linda were up early signing divorce papers. Greta asked her father about Uncle Larry, and Frank decided it was time to tell her the whole story. Years ago, Frank was one of the most popular people in his grade in middle school, Linda and Susan both had a crush on him, and argued over him all the time. Eventually, Linda won out and started dating Frank at the end of 8th grade, much to Susan's jealousy. Susan avoided Linda throughout Summer vacation and by the time high school rolled around, Larry Cunningham had transferred into school. According to Frank, Larry wanted to be the class clown, but his jokes don't make sense. Kind of like Frank's version of Fregley. Larry was fond of black magic, which caught Susan's attention to him. She even said his jokes were funny, but everyone at school knew she was dating him in hopes to get Frank to love her.

After a few months, Susan's attraction to Larry was real and actually started to date each other. Things were looking up for Frank and Linda, until something they hadn't anticipated reared its ugly head. Linda's family were wealthy and and Frank's family wasn't (and still is), and Linda's parents didn't approve of Frank dating their daughter, and wanting her to marry Robert instead, despite being a decade older than her. after a while, Linda's parents panned her from seeing Frank, which prompted him to buy a load a scratch-off tickets in hopes of winning over Linda's parents, but all it did was get his brother Gary addicted to scratch-off tickets. at around that time, Larry disappeared and Susan's crush on Frank returned, with Linda out of the way, Frank grew to have feelings for Susan in return, and they eventually got married, and Frank never forgot about Linda.

Things were going well in the marriage until Susan had gotten bored of Frank right around Greg was born. She remembers her parents acting lovey-dovey around her, but now she realizes it was Susan's way on trying to rekindle her relationship with Frank. By the time Greg was 8, their relationship was pretty rocky and Frank hadn't divorced her because Grandpa and Uncle Joe would never let him live it down and Susan would take custody of Rodrick and Greg. Basically, Frank was stuck with Susan and didn't spend any time together. Things came to a head when Susan revealed she's pregnant with a third child, which shook frank to the core. Frank says that Manny's birth and the days that followed were the worst days in his entire life. Not only was he forced to pretend he's Manny's dad, but unbeknownst to Frank, Manny's biological father had returned, and he started returning for all of Susan's family gatherings. At first Frank thought Larry was another one of Susan's relatives, but it was only a matter of time until he realized Larry was the weird kid Susan dated in high school. Larry's fixation on Manny made Frank think Larry is Manny's father. Susan must've caught on to this because she threatened to destroy Frank's Civil War battlefield if he told anyone the truth about Manny and Larry being related, or Manny not being his son.

With the deaths of Manny and Linda's parents, Frank was certain he thought he'd finally get what he wanted, but he couldn't rest easy with Manny and Larry still out there. He'd make them pay, but doesn't know where they live. With all this valuable information, Greta finally told her dad about Susan and Aunt Audra talking about a necromancy ritual. As soon as Greta brought it up, Frank took his daughter to his car and drove off to Audra's. Audra was reluctant to tell him, but he told her that he has a gun and threatened to shoot her crystal ball collection if she didn't tell him where Susan's at. Audra eventually caved and told him that Susan was residing at a run-down apartment complex. That didn't surprise Frank because Larry dropped out of high school and couldn't afford a good place to live, so Frank drove down the apartment. The place was sketchy, smelled pretty bad, and the tenants looked like they were involved in some kind of illegal activity. Frank told Greta that she shouldn't follow the "Good Girls Like Bad Boys" ethos, but she doesn't think that's true. If it was, Rodrick would a plenty of girls all over him and Greta would rather date a girl than someone like Christopher Brownfield. At this point, it is revealed that Greta's a lesbian, but she kept it to herself because she doesn't think her father entirely approves of her of being a girl in the first place.

When they finally arrived at Larry's apartment, Frank pulled out Rodrick's paintball gun and shot Larry multiple times. He exhausted his ammunition by the time he was finished, and when they were about to leave, Susan and Manny had returned. Susan tried to convince Greta to come live with her and Larry, but Greta had noticed a tub of Peachy Breeze ice cream on the counter. Knowing that Manny is allergic to peaches, Greta gave Manny a cone. This caused Manny to go ballistic and gave Frank and Greta ample amount of time to escape the apartment. Later that night, Manny's death was reported on the news and Greta hopes her mother doesn't resurrect him again, because the world was better off without him.

A couple days after the incident at Larry's apartment, Greta was unsure how Chirag was doing, until she figured out that Chirag started using the gender-bender potion on random people. She never noticed she looked a lot like Julie Webber, or at least what she used to look like before she drank the potion. Greta realized how much of a missed opportunity it was for a body double, if only she had known what Julie looked like as a guy. That would no longer matter because Frank told them they were moving to Boston by Saturday. He urged his boss to transfer him after some of his co-workers drank the dancing potion, and Linda wants to get away from Susan, and thinks that moving to Boston could serve as a fresh start. Greta wasn't sure about moving, but was satisfied Linda enrolled her at an all-girls school, so she gave credit for "Rowley's" note for letting it happen. Greta then started to remember that she started writing in journals because of her mother. She wonders if she should continue writing in it, but decided against it because she could have more time for other stuff if she did. She never thought she'd reach this point, but also didn't anticipate what happened to her within the past fortnight. Greta had just run out of paper and wanted to end the story on high note and at this point, says this is THE END!. But somebody then kills manny and greg is covered in dinos the next day

(PS. Those potions were good for something after all.)

The Fanfiction[]

