Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fanfictions Wiki


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Stall[]

Chapter 1

by u/johnwasnever


While at the grocery store I found out they have Drummies, my favourite food. I spent my whole allowance buying them. I decided to go to Rowley's and tell him that we could make a fortune out of these. Rowley thought it was bad idea and we shouldn't be selling someone else's product so I lied that I would give half of the money to charity. I think im gonna sell them at school because that's where we will the have the most customers.

I don't know where in school, but I was gonna sell them though but then I figured out he can sell them in the bathroom as that's the only place the teachers won't be in.

The next day, I told Albert Sandy to spread the rumor about it and he did it pretty well as by the end of the day I had 50 bucks. I told Rowley about it and he said maybe we could sell it to the teachers. I told Rowley that he was brain dead and that they weren't gonna do that as they would get caught.

Alex Aruda giving out Drummies

Alex Aruda giving out Drummies

The next day, I hired Alex Aruda as I knew for sure that I couldn't do this on my own. The only catch, is I didn't want to be seen while I was selling Drummies as he would get in trouble. So it's kind of awkward seeing while I sell Drummies. The next day, I got sent to Vice Principal Roy's office and he said it's illegal and that I need to stop all else I will get detention, I said I would sell them in detention and ironically, Vice Principal Roy gave me detention.

Justice for Drummies


DoaWK- The Stall read by u-Johnwasnever
