Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Into the Wimpy-Verse is an science-fiction LLB created by u/HensonSnowDude on r/LodedDiper. The series currently has 37 pages,[1] and the first three pages were released on September 18, 2023, and is currently on hiatus as of November 24, 2023.[2]
As of November 16, 2024, the LLB has been cancelled by u/HensonSnowDude in favor of a rewritten version, which released in January 19, 2025.
Greg is forced to go outside by Susan so he can get some fresh air, Greg doesn't want to, but Susan does not listen. He goes outside and sees Fregley, who takes Greg to an abandoned shed in the middle of the woods disguised as a lab. Fregley’s boss is revealed to be Manny, and he tells Greg that they have been working on a portal for the past 6 months that can take them to other dimensions. Both Manny and Fregley have been using the portal to go to other dimensions and collect different “variations” of various Wimpy Kid characters.