Cover made by u/Bearmam123
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley and the Ballistic Missile is a well-known fanfiction posted on the r/LodedDiper subreddit. The fanfic was originally created by u/BT_Evelon and was HD remastered by u/Bearmam123. However the former creator has since deleted their account.

Frank warning them about the ballistic missile
Greg and Rowley were making lemonade to cool off after playing a few rounds of Twisted Wizard. Shortly after, Frank came in and told them that there was a Ballistic Greg were unsure if it was actually happening until Greg received a notification on his phone. They got everything they needed into the car as fast as possible and drove off.
Rowley decided to tag along with them because he couldn't bother walking home. The Heffleys quickly found out that they did not have enough seats for Rowley so they taped Manny's legs on the roof of the car. Susan then gave Manny a gun to eliminate the traffic which Greg claims is a "Stupid Idea". A few minutes later, they heard a gunshot. Turns out Manny shot and killed somebody. Rodrick then started congratulating Manny and told him he's doing a "Good Job".
38 Minutes Left
Frank started speeding up so he could to some underground bunker in a park miles away. Manny's on a shooting rampage right now, killing pedestrians left and right just to save a few seconds while, Rowley’s biting his nails. Frank says we could haul all of our stuff into the bunker, in about 10 minutes though, Greg's not sure if they will be able to take the tape off Manny's shoes in time. Greg hopes Frank brought Drummies as he didn't even have lunch today.
32 Minutes Left

Right when the Heffleys were getting real close to the bunker, they heard a faint scream and whack. When they all checked to see what happened, Manny flew off the car, hit the tunnel wall and died. It was an ABSOLUTE bloodbath, Manny was pouring blood out of every severed limb. Everyone in the car, has no idea where the gun went and that's the only weapon they packed. This wasn't good sign.
30 Minutes Left
After the Manny incident, the Heffleys kept driving. Not long after, another family trying to escape pointed back, trying to signal something. Turns out, there was a car that was driving at 120MPH, crashing into cars and killing everybody. Luckily, the Heffleys escaped into an empty parking lot before that car came in and killed them all. Though, they can't say the same for the other family.
22 Minutes Left

Remember when Susan taped Manny onto the roof of her car? Turns out, other people did that too because Frank was assassinated from a bullet to the head. After everyone in the car heard the gunfire, Susan pulled the emergency brake and they all took cover... to the best of their extent. Shots were still being fired and luckily, nobody was hurt by the bullets. Rowley got cut deep in his arms and legs. Greg found a disinfectant and some band aids and that helped him stop crying. Susan dumped Frank on the side of the road and took the wheel. The ride was completely fine... until they ran out of gas. Since there was no open gas stations, they had two options; Run to the bunker on foot with all of their supplies or jack someone's car.
18 Minutes Left

There was a family of three getting into a car that was right next to them when they ran out of gas. They placed a shotgun on the roof of the car and thanks to that, they easily offered those ************. People saw what they were doing and not long after, they tried to KILL them. Rodrick slammed them in the head with a bat, but they then beat the absolute **** out of him. Greg had to escort him back to the car before they could deal any more damage to him.
**** ****
While they were loading the bags into the bunker, Rodrick jumped in and locked them out before they could even pass him all the Drummies. He left them to DIE.
Greg says that this is it and that he's gonna die. The bombs have already gone off, he can feel the heat on his face.
He is not getting out of this alive. Well, this isn't the worst way too die. At least he's got his best friend and his mom right next to him.
His final words are: Manny. Dad. I'll see you two soon.