Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Doll Days is a fanfiction created by u/Replacement_Ad. It was made for an LLB contest on r/LodedDiper.

The LLB starts off with Greg saying that Rowley has been bugging him all day as there was this new store called Sigmart that just opened up and they are selling this limited Joshie figurine that everybody's into. He's been begging him to go with him. As usual, Greg wouldn't have gone with him but the marketing was intriguing. When they got to the store, it was practically empty. Just then the store manager came up to them. Greg asks him why they were only selling one figurine and he replies that this must be a special store. When Greg found out that each figurine cost 500 bucks, he got out of there.

The next day while walking to school Greg sees a crazy guy freaking out the sidewalk. The guy asks him if he brought the new Joshie figurine and says he doesn't know what he'd do without and then shouts out loud oh yeah, I'm gonna freaking kill somebody. Greg runs out of there as quick as he could. Greg wonders what's with that guy as he thought only suckers like Rowley would be interested in Joshie merchandise. When he gets to school, he finds out he is wrong. It turns out that people who had the figurine were lording over everyone else. They formed gangs to weed out the "Weaklings". Greg manages to avoid them during Lunch but he knew he couldn't hide forever. Greg decides the best way to do deal them is to blend in so after school, Greg went to Ralph's store to buy the figurine but it had already doubled in price now costing over a grand.
The next day, basically everyone had the Joshie figurine even the teachers, they started picking favourites. In third period, Mr. Underwood announced that the boys will begin a dodgeball unit in Phys Ed today and everyone who didn't have the figurine had to be on skins. Greg's team was outnumbered 8 to 2 but that wasn't the worst part. Since Mr. Underwood had the figurine he joined team shirts. Greg's team loses badly and Rodney James had to be taken on a stretcher due to concussion. After that experience, Greg knew he had to buy the figurine because he'd get killed. So after school, Greg steals Manny's swear jar and made his way over to Sigmart. Greg wounds up the figurine and it says "Blowouts are fucking funny." and farts just to Greg's displeasure.
- This LLB won the contest on r/LodedDiper.
- This LLB's title parodies the 2009 book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days.
- The "Blowouts are fucking funny." line at the end is a direct reference to the various LLB's that u/TuanPINGAS-2andahalf had posted during the summer of 2020.